The Baltic Sea needs your help!
Do you have an idea of how to create a healthier Baltic Sea? You can now apply for both financial and knowledge-related support for you project. This year, the Bank of Åland is donating through the Baltic Sea Project up to 360 000 € to projects that help to improve the state of the Baltic Sea.
We welcome all kinds of ideas that benefit the wellbeing of the Baltic Sea. Over the recent years, the Baltic Sea Project has funded both agriculture and school projects, as well as technological and digital innovations. Among this year’s categories, you’ll find for example Digital innovations, Engaging projects and Jury’s mission, designed to encourage children and young people to come up with an innovative solution for turning environmental knowledge into action.
The winners are selected through a public vote, with the help of a jury consisting of environmental experts. The winning project, the one that collects the most votes, will receive funding. The jury may also choose to award additional winners among the other nominated projects. During the previous application period, nine good ideas for the environment shared a total amount of 250 000 €.
We welcome all ideas!
Those who live or operate business in Finland, the Åland Island or Sweden, can register their projects. Read more about the process here > The application contains a short description of the project, budget, timeline and contact information for the person in charge. Applicants will also choose which category to participate in. The last day for summiting an application is September 30th.
Looking forward to receive your application!
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